Below you will find your search results. Please note, what you see below is only a small selection of the total properties we have available on our database. Prices shown are provided by the owner and in most cases are open to offers. For further information or to make an offer on any of the weeks, call our sales team now on
A few facts for potential buyers:
When we first invested in our Interval International affiliated week in 1997, we didnt imagine what great holidays we would enjoy with this! Then, in 2010, we acquired 2 additional weeks from Restotel/Onag… Read more ›
Los Amigos Beach Club was one of the first specialised timeshare apartment blocks in southern Spain, being built in the very late 1970s. It might be described as bijou as it is small and intimate with only 140 units. It is not nearly as crowded co… Read more ›
For sale a week 25 (Platinum Season) at Marriotts Grande Vista, a vacation ownership resort in Orlando Florida. Explore popular attractions like Walt Disney Resort, Universal Orlando Resort, and SeaWorld. Refresh yourself in the outdoor swimming p… Read more ›
Ownership is deeded to week 14 (often Easter) and therefore gives you the right to this week in a 2 bedroom lock off apartment.
Lock off apartments give you the option to go for 2 x weeks in a smaller size apartment such as a 1 bedroom.
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It is with great sadness that we have decided to sell our lodge – We bought it off plan in 2009 and have had many great holidays with family and friends.
The countryside and surrounding areas are truly stunning and a relaxing haven for t… Read more ›
So many opportunities with this 5* points based fractional CLC holiday offer which has just over 5 years to run. The choices are endless and in fact are increasing with new locations and properties always coming on stream with CLC. The holidays ar… Read more ›