Photo of Regency Villas at Broome Park, England
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Timeshare For Sale at
Regency Villas at Broome Park

For Sale: £1,500*
Resort: Regency Villas at Broome Park
Country: England
Week: 36
Season: High
Size: 2 Bedroom
Additional Info: Free Golf for 6 every day included

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The Broome Park Estate, Barham, Canterbury, Kent, CT4 6QX

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Resort Description

The Regency Villas at Broome Park are situated in their own private grounds with an 18-hole championship golf course, offering full membership plus a small green fee charge, and the stately Charles I mansion offering a restaurant and bar. Broome Park is situated in the middle of the beautiful county of Kent, known as the Garden of England, and is close to the historic Roman city of Canterbury. The Channel Tunnel and Ashford International Railway Station provide easy access to London, Paris, and Brussels, offering owners a truly European experience.

Owners Description (if available)

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Owners Images (If available)

*Sale price shown is a one off payment for each week, total fraction, total ownership or amount of points stated and covers the duration of ownership. Price shown is provided by the owner and in most cases is open to offers. Please note, price does not include fees and transfer costs.